Top 8 Amazing Safari Places to See in Africa

If you want to visit Africa for safari, the best idea is to find out destinations with beautiful landscapes.  These include national parks, waterfalls, mountains, volcanoes, rivers and lakes, capital cities, small villages among others.

Travel photography is definitely important because it creates inspiration to travel to a particular place. Most travelers are inspired by high quality images to be able to decide and travel to that place where the photo was taken. Why would you travel if you can’t create memories through photography?

  1. Masai Mara National Park

Wildebeest migration takes place in Masai Mara Wildlife Reserve in Kenya and Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. Over 1.5 million wildebeest move together with thousands of zebra, and antelopes migrate between Masai Mara and Serengeti ecosystem. This is the world’s greatest wildlife scene and therefore comes on top of the picturesque places to tick in Africa. When the wildebeest are giving birth or are crossing the crocodile infested Mara River, the beauty of the scenes simply skyrockets. The animals move in search for green grass as they escape drought conditions in favor of rains.

The key to see the wildebeest migration is timing and go the place where the herds gather as they move on. Planning your safari to Kenya or Tanzania is important with experienced tour operator who knows how the wildebeest move and plan accommodation that are well positioned for viewing.

2. Victoria Falls

Referred to as the smoke that thunders, Victoria Falls forms one of the breathtaking landscapes in southern Africa making it a perfect place for adventure travelers. Victoria Falls are created by River Zambezi to form the largest spray of water falling over 800 meters down the ridge. Located at the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, the best way to experience the Victoria Falls is to book a safari to Zimbabwe or Zambia. From both sides of the falls, river Zambezi offers a variety of adrenaline activities such as rafting, kayaking, canoeing and bungee jumping.

The falls are surrounded by several national parks and game reserves providing the chance for wildlife viewing safari to catch a glimpse of big 5 mammals.

3. River Nile

River Nile is the longest river in the world with the length of about 6695 sq km and it’s a natural world wonder in Africa. The official source of the Nile is located in Jinja city Eastern Uganda from where the Nile starts its journey to the Mediterranean Sea passing through 13 countries. Its source in Jinja is one of the fascinating geographical points. The Nile also takes in diverse landscapes along its way such as waterfalls, rapids, cities and man-made hydroelectric power dams, Nile valley villages creating amazing views. Jinja city in Uganda is particularly known for its class 5 rapids best for white water rafting and kayaking.

4. Mountains of the Moon

Ruwenzori Mountains also known as mountains of the moon is the third tallest in Africa with Margherita peak rising at 5109 meters above sea level. Ruwenzori is located along the western of Uganda with eastern side of DR Congo. Only 20 miles north of the equator, it is quite unique to see large amounts of permanent snow on 3 of the 6 Ruwenzori’s peaks.

The summit of Ruwenzori is accessible and trails are still virgin providing authentic trekking through amazing array of 5 different types of vegetation. From savannah plains, montane tropical forests, bamboo, moorland and heathers, to alpine and snow, these contain beautiful plants such as giant lobelias and groundsels. Between the tropical forests and the alpine zone, the rivers, sparkling glacial lake, valleys are spectacular.

A guided tour to the summit can take 8-12 days while camping at the designated tents. Short hiking trails also provide great views and wildlife encounters along the tropical forests rare wildlife such as three horned chameleon can be photographed. The savanna plains in the rift valley are home to large mammals including tree climbing lions, buffalo and elephant in Queen Elizabeth national park. Hiking plus wildlife safari and boat cruises along the Kazinga Channel provide amazing safari experience.

5. Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison waterfalls the world’s strongest waterfall are located in Murchison falls national park, Uganda’s largest park covering an area of 3840 sq km. This park is bisected by River Nile which tumbles into a rift valley cliff and plunges over 40 meters beneath to form the thundering waterfalls. The falls create an amazing view. From the boat cruise at Paara it’s nice to view the bottom of the falls known as the devil’s cauldron. The boat cruise on the Nile is also a chance to view hippos, Nile crocodiles and water birds. a hike to the top of the falls is also an amazing view of the falls and the Nile as it flows its way to lake Albert.

The vegetation in Murchison falls is a mixture of savannah plains, tropical, woodland forests and, riverine forests which provide home to large mammals including big 5 African mammals. Game drives offer the best chances to spot mammals.

6. Lake Bunyonyi

Scattered by 19 islands and surrounded by rolling terraced Kigezi highlands hills, Lake Bunyonyi is one of the picturesque places to visit. It is located in southwestern Uganda near the famous gorilla tracking Bwindi impenetrable forest national park. It is the 2nd deepest lake in Africa reaching 900 meters in depth. The waters of Bunyonyi are free from crocodiles or hippos making it suitable for swimming. Visitors can take a boat ride and tour several islands. Paddling a traditional wooden canoe is a unique experience and great for spotting some of the 200 species of birds around the Lake.

7. Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo valley national park is situated in Karamoja region north eastern Uganda along the border with South Sudan and north eastern Kenya. Kidepo’s semi-arid savannah ecosystem landscape characterized by savannah, riverine forests, rock kopjes, represents the true African wilderness and it has the most amazing views. Two seasonal rivers Narus and kidepo provide water for wildlife including 95 mammals and over 500 species of birds. owing to the hot sunshine and dry conditions, wildlife tends to congregate in the narus valley during the dry season from December to February and June to September are the best months to visit for wildlife viewing safari.

8. Serengeti National Park                                     

Serengeti ecosystem is one of the most beautiful areas in Africa. It covers about 5700 sq miles of savannah grasslands plains that roll of the rift valley and verdant woodlands that stretch from northern Tanzania to southwestern Kenya. Serengeti is a local world meaning “endless plains” aside from the breathtaking beauty, Serengeti national park is home to about 4 million mammals making it the largest concentration of animals on planet. It is Africa’s finest wildlife viewing safari especially for big 5 and wildebeest migration.



