Uganda and Rwanda Primates

Encounter Primates & Wildlife in Uganda

Are you looking for the most authentic and inspiring travel experience in Africa? Nature Adventure Africa Safaris Ltd will guide you on a trip through the Pearl of Africa, including gorilla tracking, primate walks, rafting the Nile, cultural experiences and birding safaris in Uganda. Uganda is a nature- lover’s paradise from gorilla trekking and chimpanzee in Bwindi National Park to marveling at the tree climbing lions in Ishasha or spotting the prehistoric shoe bill at Mabamba swamp, the wildlife encounters on offer are second to none.

Adventure tourism, ecotourism and cultural tourism are being developed. About three-quarters of Uganda’s tourists are from other African countries. Kenya, which borders Uganda, is the biggest source of tourists to Uganda, making up almost half of all arrivals into the country.

Tourists Attractions that can be viewed in Uganda

Uganda has a very diverse culture, landscape, flora, and fauna

Game viewing and bird watching

Game viewing is the most popular tourist activity in Uganda. Wild animals like lions, buffaloes, giraffes, antelopes, elephants are common in Uganda’s ten national parks. Uganda is one of only three countries where it is possible to visit the endangered mountain gorillas. The others are Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Mountain gorillas are Uganda’s prime tourist attraction. The vast majority of these are in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, with a few others in Mgahinga National Park, both in southwestern Uganda. Imagine an experience out of the ordinary, into the Great African Savannah, Impenetrable forest, overpowering waters and magnetic sceneries. Come face to face with legendary beasts of the wild, live through their eyes, watching every move they make.  In Bwindi, visitors have been allowed to view the mountain gorillas since April 1993. The development of gorilla tourism and the habituation of gorillas to humans are proceeding very carefully because of the dangers to gorillas, such as contracting human diseases.

Meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth National Park is home to the tree climbing lions. Lions do not normally climb trees, except when chased by another lion group or wild buffalo. However the tree climbing lions found in Queen Elizabeth-National Park intentionally climb trees and rest on them in the afternoon, when the sun is high. This is a truly unique phenomenon. They have only been rare similar sightings of this in Lake Manyara National Park of Tanzania.

Boating and Water Sports

With its prime location in the African Great Lakes region, Uganda has a variety of water bodies that are popular spots for tourism. White water rafting and kayaking are popular activities on the rapids near the source of the Nile at Jinja.

Boating which is commonly done on Lake Victoria, Lake Mburo, Lake Bunyonyi, Kazinga Channel, and River Nile is a perfect way of exploring the buffaloes, elephants, hippos, crocodiles and a wide variety of bird species that inhabit the banks of these water bodies.

Sport fishing is another favorite tourist activity. Fish like the Nile perch, and tilapia can be caught in designated areas of Lake Mburo and the banks of the Nile. Canoeing can also be done at Lake Bunyonyi.

Hiking and Mountain Climbing

Uganda has many opportunities for mountain climbing, hiking and nature walks. The Rwenzori Mountains, which are found at the border with the DRC, include the snowcapped Margherita Peak (5109 m), the highest Mountain Range in Africa and also one of the highest peaks. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park also includes three peaks, Mount Gahinga, Mount Sabyinyo, and Mount Muhavura, the highest peak in the national park. Mount Elgon, located in Eastern Uganda, can be used for hiking and climbing, and also has one of the largest calderas in the world.

Scenery for relaxation

Uganda has some beautiful spots for resting up. Magical Lake Bunyonyi has intoxicating views where the mist hangs low over terraced hillsides and canoes glide through the still waters. Ssese Islands in the oceanic-sized Lake Victoria is where you’ll find some of the finest white sand beaches and burning sunsets – the kind of place you’ll want to seek out a hammock and bring a good book. Then there’s stunning Sipi Falls in eastern Uganda, which is earning a reputation for its uninhibited views of the crashing falls.



