Family Road Trip in Uganda

6 Of the Best Road Trips to Take in Uganda

The pearl of Africa has one of the premier road trips in East Africa and Africa at large. They are characterized with beautiful landscape, sceneries, paved roads, historic landmarks, nature and incredible views.

The trip from Kampala to fort portal; It is a five hour ride that goes to the western town which is a seat for the cultural institution of Toro Kingdom, while on this journey the situation changes from Kampala concrete sky rise buildings and bungalows with neat lawns into roadside mud brick drab structures with dusty yards

 width=The ride rewards with the sight of plant life which varies between thickets, papyrus marshes, dense forest and the steered roadside markets sealing fresh fruits of which you can taste in order to treat your famished. Kyenjojo district is a land of rolling hills with hectares of land under cultivation made green by tea plantations and this trek enables travelers to encounter the sight of Mountains of the moon, hidden behind a misty blanket which is a treasure of Uganda’s beauty with tropical weather attracting travelers across the world.

The ride to fort port’s beauty that is unfolded before the travelers cannot be sensationalized, it is like a belle without makeup and it rewards with midday sun, cool pure air wafted through the open window that caresses the face.

The journey to south western Uganda, explore Mbarara, Lake Bunyonyi, Bwindi and Mgahinga national parks; Even though this trip is relatively long, it rewards with beautiful sceneries of the incredible hills of Ankole and Kigezi, coupled with different terrains, varied farming practices which are amazingly picturesque.

Along this journey, the Equator line is encountered where experiments are done to verify that the earth is divided into southern and northern hemispheres and the place is perfect for pictures. This stretch also allows the travelers to glimpse the beautiful long horned cattle, grazing alongside the zebras on the fringes of Lake Mburo national park. This stretch has very many adventurous attractions like the long extensive wetlands with papyrus vegetation looking like a lake from a distance and this swamp is home to the legendary river Katonga.

A trip to Kidepo valley national park; This journey gives a smooth and comfortable drive up to karuma falls which is among the series of water falls along River Nile and second to Murchison falls in power and on this journey the troops of olive baboons and velvet monkeys are clearly seen in trees by travelers before arriving in Gulu town where the fruit of peace can be noticed after the 20 years of rebel insurgence. The journey to Gulu goes through the acholi small communities of clusters of thatched houses as the road winds through the mountain ranges of keler and loniyili that gives amazing views and scenery.

The journey to Sipi falls; this trip goes through the outskirts of Kampala following Jinja road while enjoying the early morning misty sights of Lugazi sugar cane plantations, Mabira forest, Ssezibwe falls. The journey continues through Jinja town one of the major cosmopolitan towns in Uganda and also shelters the historical source of the Nile River, and longest river in the world, before reaching Iganga which rewards travelers with impressive views of sugar and rice plantations and natural swamps with flowing streams.

The other unmatched Uganda road trips include the journey to Murchison falls national park via Ziwa rhino sanctuary and the incredible views of Nakasongola hills, trip to Semuliki national park, almost all the journeys to different key destinations in Uganda are amazing road trips and every route has a different experience that it offers to travelers.



