Category: Latin America

  • Exploring Northern Peru

    Peru’s north coast could well be described as the Egypt of South America. This is a region of numerous monumental ruins, built by the many highly skilled pre-Inca cultures that once thrived here. The ground-breaking discovery at Caral is now open to visitors. Not far from Trujillo, Chan Chán was the capital of the Chimú…

  • Best of Brazil: 12 Places to Visit

    Best of Brazil: 12 Places to Visit

    1 Rio de Janeiro Known to the locals as the City of Marvels, no city on earth has a setting to compare. Rainforest-covered mountains rise sheer from a bottle-green ocean and a vast wine-glass bay. The beaches and music are wonderful, and the carnival is one of the world’s greatest spectacles. Sugarloaf Mountain 2 São…

  • Best Wilderness Experiences

    Snorkelling and diving off the islands of Brazil’s northeast Brazil’s tropical islands are as pretty as any in Southeast Asia and, for now at least, remain free of Bob Marley theme bars and buzzing mopeds. The wildest and most beautiful are off the coast of northeastern Brazil. The Abrolhos are a string of little rocks…