Gorilla Trekking

Gorilla Trekking Top Bucketlist Adventure

Gorilla trekking is an incredibly beautiful adventure which everyone should have a chance to go for in the African jungles of Africa. Do you know that there are only about 880 mountain gorillas left in the wild tropical rain forests of Uganda Rwanda and Congo? No wonder gorilla trekking is one of the top adventures on the bucket list of most adventure seekers who like primate safaris. Today many travelers trek into the deep tropical rain forests of Bwindi, Mgahinga, Volcanoes National Park and Virunga National Park to meet the gorillas in the wild.

Gorilla trekking is captivating as well as little scary to see how human-like the mountain gorillas are. The gorillas have brown eyes which hold a great deal of expression, and their ears and fingers look just like for humans except the color. Having the chance to visit gorillas in Africa and watching them interact with each other, in their home, is a truly magical, once in a lifetime experience. Some people say they would rather go to the Zoo and watch gorillas from there, however the wilderness feel and experience is quite different. You get to see how these human like giant Apes behave just like Man, they come meters closer to you. Some of them touch your hair gently, its such an amazing and moving adventure.

Gorilla hiking takes over two hours and is very possible for anyone with a reasonable level of fitness to go for the gorilla trek. One can always hire a porter to help carry your back pack during the hike and to help you through tough terrain during the hike from the local village! You will have a well trained local tour guide who will guide you through the forest. Upon reaching the gorillas, it is advisable to lower your voices and watch them from a distance of atleast 7 metres. Remember your guide is available to tell you anything you would love to know about the gorillas.
Caution: On a gorilla safari in any of the parks that host the mountain gorillas, never at anytime mess with the mountain gorillas.

Like any ecotrip, after your trek to the gorillas, it is advisable to take an ecotour ie. visiting the local communities or a cultural tour. Whilst on a gorilla tour within Bwindi Forest or Volcanoes National Park, get some time  to visit the orphaned children’s performance in the main street and do a tour offered by the local community. You can experience the culture of the local people for very little fees e.g about $30 US takes you to the Batwa village, a brilliant way to lean about th former inhabitants of the forest. So be prepared for the experience of a lifetime, by ensuring you are in shape, have lots of water on the day, have a good camera with you, tips for the porters, and don’t forget a walking stick and gloves for the trek.



