Rwenzori Mountains of Uganda

Exploring the Rwenzori Mountain Ranges of Uganda

The Rwenzori Mountain Ranges are among the highest ranges in Africa. For many travelers who are looking for hiking safaris, the Rwenzoris follow the Kilimanjaro Mountains among the most popular destinations for hiking in Africa.

Mount Rwenzori is perched right within Rwenzori Mountains National Park and undoubtedly, it is the leading mountaineering destination in Uganda. Treks on Rwenzori Mountain ranges usher you to the snow capped mountain peaks but the interest is to conquer the Margherita peak at 5109m.

Trekkers have different trails to start their treks and each leads to Rwenzori Mountains’ peaks and they include Central Circuit Trail taking climbers from Mihunga through Nyabitaba and Bujuku Valley; Kilembe Trail beginning from Kilembe just near Kasese Town.

Rwenzori Mountains National Park is one of the 10 National Parks in Uganda that Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) manages. It is most famous for its long day circuit mountaineering adventures that last for 7-8 days or more.

Lots of Things Await You to See

Wildlife Species in the Rwenzoris

Rwenzori Mountains National Park boasts of its distinct wildlife including 70 mammal species, floral species, amphibians, birds, 15 butterfly species, 4 primate species, 6 distinct vegetation zones etc. The important species of wildlife to expect to meet on Uganda safari in the Rwenzori Mountains National Park include hyrax, black and white colobus monkeys, forest elephants, Rwenzori duikers, l’hoest monkeys, chimpanzees, hyrax.

Birds/avifaunal species in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Rwenzori Mountains National Park is by far one of the very few most significant birding safari destinations. The park is blessed with all 217 bird species and majority of these are Albertine Rift Endemic species. As an Important Birding Area, the birds that you stand a chance to identify include the handsome francolins, barred long tailed cuckoos, Rwenzori turacos, slender billed starling, montane sooty boubou, archer’s robin chat, strange weaver, lagden’s bush shrike, flycatchers.

Major Activities in Rwenzori Mountains NP

Nature walks

Nature walks in the Rwenzori Mountains National Park offers the best of on-foot-walk experience to nature loving visitors on safari in Uganda. The nature walks introduce visitors to park’s varied habitats using the demarcated trails including the central circuit zones, Buraro chimpanzee forest trail, Lake Mahoma trail, Ruboni and Turaco etc. The beauty about nature walks in the Rwenzori Mountains National Park is that they offer the most interactive experience. Visitors don’t only enjoy view of wildlife species, birds, flora of the Rwenzori National Park but also, they venture into the local communities for authentic cultural experiences.


Mountain climbing is without doubt a bucket-list adventure experience among most Uganda safari holidaymakers on Rwenzori Mountains National Park safari. Enthusiastic climbers have 2 trails or routes to challenge themselves while exploring the Rwenzori Mountain ranges-the Nyakalengija/Rwenzori Central Circuit and Kilembe trail. These introduce hikers/climbers to Rwenzori Mountains’ different peaks though Margherita is the main focus. En-route, trekkers navigate through lush vegetation including heather forest, bogs, bamboo etc and glacial lakes.

If you are interested in the most challenging Rwenzori Mountaineering adventure then Central Circuit has you sorted. Climbers begin treks after briefing at 1646m altitude at Nyakalengija office and to and from journey requires 7-8 days or more. Kilembe trail is the southern trail demarcated near Kasese Town and takes you through Nyamwamba Valley, glacial lakes and later joins the central circuit at Lake Kitandara.


Bird watching is undoubtedly one of the main highlights of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park safaris. The park is a home to 217 bird species and these include the illadopsis, Rwenzori turaco, white starred robin, barred long tailed cuckoo, strange weaver, blue headed sunbird, montane sooty boubou, greenbuls, crimson wings etc.

Community tours

Community tours provide amazing opportunity to interact, meet and learn more about the Bakonzo who live around the park. The visit to Bakonzo community is more than exploring their unique cultures, traditions, but also, plays an important part in supporting them, their projects. In the long run, the tourism and wildlife conservation will be appreciated.

Getting there

Rwenzori Mountains National Park- RMNP is strategically positioned in Western Uganda, and accessible by road or by air. By road, Kampala via Fort Portal or Kampala via Mbarara to Kasese or by air, from Entebbe airport/Kajjansi airfield to Kasese airstrip.

Where to stay-Rwenzori Mountains N/Park

While on Rwenzori Mountains National Park safari, holidaymakers have many options to retire for the night ranging from budget to luxury. The accommodations here are found at the park while some are in Kasese, Fort Portal etc. They include Hotel Margherita, Mihunga Safari Lodge, Ruboni Community Camp, Equator Snow Lodge.




