5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Eastern Congo

Despite the past civil wars and unrest, that disrupted safaris to the Democratic Republic of Congo, the country is undeniably a hidden treasure. The less visits to Congo has kept the country fresh and her tourism attractions out of the crowd which make it make one of the unique tourism destination you should not miss on an African safari.

Presently, peace has been restored in Democratic Republic of Congo and tourism is done successfully. The country is naturally gifted with natural forests, beautiful sceneries, lakes, rivers and hospitable people all, which make your stay an experience for a lifetime. The forests are a home to a variety of wildlife such as the mountain gorillas, eastern lowland gorillas, bonobos, and various bird species among others. The key reasons to visit democratic republic of Congo include among others: 

Mountain gorillas

The Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the few countries, which host the inhabited mountain gorillas in the tropical rain forests of Virunga national park.  The country is believed to houses quarter of the world’s mountain gorillas while the remaining population reside in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park and Uganda’s Bwindi impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. For most travelers to Congo, gorilla safaris are the highlight of their visits and gorilla trekking is done in eight-gorilla families namely, Rugendo, Munyaga, Mapuwa, Lulengo, Kabirizi, Nyakamwe and Humba have been habituated for trekking. Each gorilla family is allocated to a group of eight people and an interaction lasts for an hour.

Interestingly gorilla trekking is done at a relatively low rate 450usd for a permit compared to US$700 in Uganda and US$1500 in Rwanda. Budget travelers can therefore take advantage o this and experience this memorable experience at a low rate. The less visits to Virunga National Park are an opportunity for travelers to interact with the mountain gorillas out of the crowd. Travelers are given mouth masks to ensure safety of these endangered species but the other trekking rules and regulations are similar to other gorilla destinations.

Volcano Hiking

Second to mountain gorillas, volcano hiking is a must do on your safari to the Democratic Republic of Congo. The country is a home to two active volcanoes namely Nyiragongo volcano and Nyamuragira volcano both situated in the heart of the Virunga national park. Mont Nyiragongo is the most hiked volcano whose summit of the volcano is a home to the word’s largest lava lake and the views from the top during the day are surely beautiful. Travelers are allowed to stand at the edge of the lava and steer at the boiling lava in the lake with fumes of bubbling gas. The frames of fire are clearly seen at night hence requiring travelers to stay overnight at the summit to witness this memorable experience.

Nyiragongo last erupted in 2002, which led to the displacement of many people especially from the town of Goma while Nyamuragira is very active and travelers

Despite the exciting experience, climbing to the summit is strenuous and travelers must be physically fit. Wear decent walking boots, gardening gloves, hire porters and walking sticks to ease movements. Hiking begins with a simple briefing at the starting point in which travelers ate introduced to the rules and regulations in the hiking process.  Whereas the temperatures making it too hot in the hiking, the condition at the summit is a different story. It really gets cold at the top associated with wind blowing. Travelers are therefore required to carry warm sweaters and jackets, warm trousers, extra socks, thermals, hats and stockings.

Eastern Lowland Gorillas

Not only is DRC a home to mountain gorillas but also to the critically endangered eastern lowland gorillas in Kahuzi Biega national park. Lowland gorillas are the largest gorilla specie, which is, differentiated form other species by a short muzzle, large hands and stocky body. An encounter with eastern lowland gorillas is absolutely an experience of its kind due to the endangerness of these gorilla species in that less than 3800 individuals survive in the whole world.

Garamba national park

Garzetted in 1931, Garamba national park is one of the Africa’s oldest national parks in Democratic republic of Congo situated in the   Orientale province. Garamba is an interesting tourism spot which houses the surviving population of Congo giraffe also with the hybrid elephants that are not found else where in the world hence one of the world heritage sites categorized under the IUCN.

Conclusively therefore, Democratic Republic of Congo offers it all that you desire for. Book now, travel to Congo and enjoy a unique memorable experience that cannot be got elsewhere in the world.



